Photo of Michael Silver with images of left and right brain

Psychedelics Research and Education at UC Berkeley

The publication of Cal Journalism Professor Michael Pollan's 2018 book How to Change Your Mind sparked tremendous interest in the potential for psychedelics for improving health and well-being. Inspired by this renewed curiosity about psychedelics, the Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics (BCSP) was founded in 2020 and is contributing to this field through biological and social science research, public education and journalism, and a training program for facilitators of the psychedelic experience. Join us to find out more about Berkeley’s unique psychedelics research and education programs!

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Hosted by UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics


Headshot of Michael Silver
Michael Silver
Professor of Optometry and Neuroscience

A professor of Optometry and Vision Science and Neuroscience, Michael Silver is the faculty director of the BCSP. His lab works to better understand how the brain actively constructs representations of the visual environment. Although Michael’s team has been conducting pharmacological studies in humans for eighteen years, his BCSP research is his first foray into psychedelic work. Following decades of suppression of research on psychedelics in human subjects, Michael is thrilled to have the opportunity to employ psychedelics in studies that will shine new light on the mysteries of the mind and brain.